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Disc 1 was decent at best. It’s an overview of the standard escapes we’ve all learned from Day 1, and all of which can be easily found freely on Youtube. There were given earth-shattering details given that will dramatically exhaust your game (If you guys want a DVD set for this, just ask, and I can give you an insight into a set that has this later). Disc 1 starts talking about Shrimping (and I can see that Fowler, nor any of Irvin’s guys were present during Rickson’s seminar, lol), then starts with an example of getting out of hand. It was ok, but the focus was on shrimping, not escaping side control, so a lot of the detail wasn’t conveyed to the audience as far as how to properly escape side control. Then moved on to mount escape. This one was pretty decent too, it went down to the usual suspects and Mike covered them in reasonably enough detail. Ironically, Rhadi’s half guard scan video was on this DVD, and *NOT* the Guard DVD. I think I should have been there instead of here.

From there, we move on to a massive amount of Headlock escapes. Now, if anyone has the Gracie Combatives set, I’d suggest watching Headlock escape from the bottom of the Control side, because they’re covered in much more detail, with much more depth. The next installment covers knee on belly leaks. The first 2 being shrimping to escape (I’ve seen these before, and it’s pretty hard to do on anyone above Blue Belt level), and the last 2 being quite enjoyable (If you have your Nogi Made Easy set, then you ‘ seen these before).

He then shows countering a guard pass, which in all honesty was just starting to underhook, going to his knee’s, and doing the knee tap takedown. Nothing new there. Next was escaping the turn. Now, this was the spot that I figured would shine, considering that Lloyd focused a lot on the back position. Surprisingly this part wasn’t very good. Both escapes were the typical bridge and escape from his hips, then come either to the knee of, or substitute half-guard.

Finally we have 3 submission escapes, armbar, guillotine choke, and guillotine choke when inside his guard. Same song here, nothing new, same material, no new details.

All in all if I could give this disc a 1 to 5 rating I would give it a 2.5. It could have gotten to 3, but not enough time was spent focusing on the details, and the do’s and don’ts of starting from those positions, which is very important in the beginning. If you want a set that focuses entirely on these, with better detail (and technique), check out Michael Jen’s Ultimate Pin Escapes. This set has been a staple in my escaping dominance game.

Now disc 2 is kind of funky because even though the title of this disc is “Combatar a Guarda” its divided into 2 categories:

escape from the top
Standing Self Defense

Here again we see something on a disk that shouldn’t be. I would have put the foot self defense part on the foot game DVD, as it would hold relevance to be there rather than on Disc 2. Now Disc 2, Escapes from the top part has 8 techniques:

Armlock Defense
Kimura Accountant
Kimura Accountant 2
omoplata counter
Sit-in Omoplata Counter (The only one from the website)
counter triangle
Counter Triangle # 2
Cross Choke Counters

Out of all the techniques listed above, the 2 I really liked were Kimura Counter 1 (which was the half guard Kimura fight with his own Kimura, and the Omoplata Sit-In, which goes well with an escape I already use) . Aside from those, the rest of the escapes are the same as we all learned on Day 1, with again, no further details. This difference is that its Mike Fowler teaching you, not your instructor.

Standing Self Defense has been broken down into the following:

backwards breakfall
sideways breakfall
forward breakfall
Phase 1-2-3 (Technical Stand Up / Lift Technique)
bearhug escape
Bearhug Escape #2
Front Bearhug Escape
strike overhead

This disc is pretty self-explanatory. Again go to Gracie Combatives if you want a better resource for this

This disk is divided into the following techniques:

granby roll
Four Corners Drill (The same open guard drill we all do in warm ups)
Open Guard Drill (another warm-up drill)
Another Open Guard drill (another warm-up drill)
Control Points
Scissor Sweep
Upa Sweep
grab ankle sweep
Push Through Triangle
Feet on Hips Triangle
Triangle Ring (When you have the triangle position, and the guy hugs his hips)
cross choke
Ezequiel Choke
Kimura Shoulder Block
Wrist Lock (yes, Wrist Lock)
Straight Armbar
Armlock Variation
Armbar stole
Shoulder blade

Disc 3 keeps with the current trend of the DVD set being nothing new, but I did like the punching part keeps the


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