ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic
10X Your Money In 10 Days…Turn $100 Into $1,000 Or $1,000 Into $10,000 Even $10,000 Into $100,000 In A Matter Of Days…

Hi there friend,
My name is Nicola Delic, and I teach ordinary people how to make money trading Forex.
For a limited time, I will share with you my secret for making more money in a month than most people make in a year.
On this page is some of the most valuable information anyone can receive. And that is… How to make money on demand.
Give me just 20 minutes a day of your time, and I will show you a road to wealth most people could only dream of.
I’ll show you how I trade millions of dollars and have shown others how to do the same.
In a minute, you’re going to have a chance to put some real cash in your account later today. Because… I have a complete trading system that spots profitable setups in seconds and offers some of the most accurate trade entry signals you’ve ever seen.
It’s so easy to make cash with, even a new trader could start generating enough cash to replace their job income with it in just a couple of hours.
Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
- You will be crystal clear on what you have to do to get the results you want.
- You will leave today with the confidence to take action.
3. Nothing in your life will change, and your tomorrow will be the same as today.
It takes courage to act, but I am going to show you how I did it and have helped thousands of others make money. Basically…
I have been a professional trader for most of my adult life. It actually started when I was very young, and I was what some people would have call a computer “whiz kid.”I taught myself how to code when I was 13 and was offered a job by Microsoft at the ripe old age of 16. Making me one of the youngest, if not the youngest, ever to be offered a position there.
I didn’t take the position because I got hooked on Forex trading and I haven’t looked back since.
I have appeared on T.V., blogs, interviews, and some of the best-known trading and investing websites in the world.
Banks and institutions pay me up to $25,000 just for in-depth analysis using my method of interpreting the market.
When I announced publicly I was going to start a Hedge Fund, I was oversubscribed in days and raised $10 Million in 72 hours.
Before I started my Hedge Fund, I worked for:
Singapore Grand Capital (Head Trader)
Phoenix Capital (Senior Currency Trader)
Instaforex (Senior Analyst & Educator)
FTI Consulting (Analyst & Trader)
Elliott wave-Forecast (Analyst)
ForexMoney (Senior Analyst)

This is how I like to spend my free time now: On this yacht.

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
You may have seen me being interviewed from there on one of my many question and answer sessions.I’m not trying to show off. My point is you will have the time to do what you want when you can control your own financial destiny.
I don’t make my living from selling courses or consulting. I make a living from trading.
Like all things, if you go at it too hard, you need a break, and that’s why every few years I teach.
When I do teach, the results my student get are phenomenal, and I am very proud of them.
The last time I released a system, I gave 10 of my students $100,000.00 each to trade, once I was confident they knew my system.

We are on the verge of self-driving cars that will change everything. Currently, only 20% of the energy in a traditional gasoline powered car gets used, and 80% is wasted just getting the power to the wheels.
In electric cars, it’s the opposite. 80% is used, and only 20% is lost. In the future, cars will be more about design than engine performance because electric cars have power almost instantly. Their big thing is battery life.
High Frequency Trading has disrupted and made some markets almost untradeable in the traditional sense of the word. I have a friend, a futures trader who asked me to teach him my way to trade Forex, because he said it was now impossible to beat the algorithms being used in that market.

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
This is a world where companies are spending billions just to move closer to the exchanges and install high-speed cables that will give them a fraction of a nanosecond faster execution.
High Frequency Trading can really be divid ed into two groups. The people who execute the trades, Market Makers, and the people who want to benefit from the trades, Arbiters. Both groups are trying to exploit their high-speed advantage.Forex is different from just about any other security because there is no central exchange where Forex is trad ed. There’s no equivalent of a stock exchange. The trades are done among thousands of banks, brokers, and individuals, so it makes High Frequency Trading almost impossible because of the amount of parties involved.
There are millions of traders out there who are still trying to make indicators that were invent ed in the 1970s work in today’s market, and those are the people I TAKE MONEY FROM EVERY DAY.
If the basic idea of High Frequency Trading is to get an advantage the other party doesn’t have because your algorithm is faster, why couldn’t I do that with the Forex market?I slowly introduced automation to certain parts of my trading that did two things:
1. Because it uses algorithms that have no feelings or emotions, it basically never makes a mistake.
2. I could cover as many currency pairs as I liked because my algorithm could watch as many pairs as I liked.

The first thing I did was to code an algorithm that would look for unusual activity in the market. I designed this after running millions of simulations on a super computer to identify historically what the market conditions were just before there was a big move.
I then designed a dashboard so I could visually see the information. Remember, this is computing millions of pieces of information faster than the human mind could ever hope to.I can’t tell you how simple this makes your trading. All you have to do is glance at the different colors, and you know what to trade.

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
You might notice that along with the colors, each box is mark ed with…
Phase #2
Also Phase #3
The next thing I did was to automate which Phase the market is in.You see, I didn’t just want to know when the market was about to take off, I want ed to know how long it is likely to go for. To do that, I built a second algorithm to tell me how developed the overall trend was.
Think of it like this. The dashboard identifies high-probability trades and the Phases identify Super-High-Probability trades that will have lots of PIPs (Big winners).

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
This next part will blow your mind. I actually can’t tell you too much about the dashboard because that is highly confidential and only for ND10X owners.
What I can tell you is this. If the Dashboard identifies high-probability trades, and the Phases identify Super-High-Probability trades, then the Smart Dashboard takes everything to the 10X (Ten Times) level of accuracy and profits.If you have ever wanted to watch your bank account grow in days and weeks instead of months and years, and do it with virtually no losses, then this is a dream come true for you.
QUICK TRADE – $414.88 MARCH 2020

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
This is not like anything you have ever seen because it’s never been seen before.
This system is design ed to make you 10X the money 10X faster than any other system. It’s the very same system. And I use in my daily trading and to trade tens of millions of dollars in my hedge fund. So far, I have told you a little bit about myself and why I decid ed to do another trading system.
I also explained how this system came to be and the theory behind it… but here’s the part you can play in the story.
For a limited time only, I will teach 250 people how to make 10X more money than any other method out there.
If you follow me, you know that when I say this will disappear soon, I mean soon. I will make sure every person who joins me gets the system and the training they need to make as much money as they want.
Nothing would make me happier than for you to join me on one of my owners get-togethers on my yacht.
Here’s what you will get:

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
This is not like anything you have ever seen because it’s never been seen before.
This system is design ed to make you 10X the money 10X faster than any other system.It’s the very same system I use in my daily trading and to trade tens of millions of dollars in my hedge fund.So far, I have told you a little bit about myself and why I decided to do another trading system.
I also explained how this system came to be and the theory behind it… but here’s the part you can play in the story.
For a limited time only, I will teach 250 people how to make 10X more money than any other method out there.
If you follow me, you know that when I say this will disappear soon, I mean soon. I will make sure every person who joins me gets the system and the training they need to make as much money as they want.
Nothing would make me happier than for you to join me on one of my owners get-togethers on my yacht.
Here’s what you will get:

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
In our second Master Class, I need to make sure you know the basics of technical trading.I don’t want just to give you a report and a few videos. I want to work with you and make sure you really understand what moves the market and why it does what it does.
There are also some very important economic news releases you have to be aware of, and how you can exploit them to make a quick profit.

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
In this section of your training, I will go over all the tools we need to make the system work.I will explain why we use each indicator and why it’s important.
Then, how to install the templates on your charts, so you are set up ready to trade

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
It doesn’t matter how much I explain in our Master Classes, nothing will beat watching someone trade a system live.I will show and explain multiple live trades in great detail, so you see how I apply the rules of the system.
This is very important.
There are lots of systems out there, and most of them don’t work because the person behind them is not a real trader.
There’s also another reason…
Just because one person can trade a system does not mean everyone can trade it. That’s why I designed this system the way I did.
If you follow the rules I give you to the letter, you should get exactly the same results as me or anyone else who uses the system

Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
We are going to be making lots of trades and making a lot of money really fast, but it’s important you are prepar ed when you trade.I will show you how to prepare a daily watch list of your favorite currency pairs.
And how to review your trades and learn from any mistakes.
I think of my daily checklist just like a pilot does. He does not take off unless he has run through his checklist and you will be the same. I will share with you some of the secrets of the biggest traders.

It’s important that you have access to me, especially in the beginning. That’s why you will be able to ask me any question you like inside the members area.Think of this as your community, where the 300 people I share ND10X system with can share ideas and talk about their trades.
This community alone is worth its weight in gold. There’s nothing like a group of like-minded people working in the same direction.
Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com

Once a week I will hold a live webinar to teach each Master Class. This is also the time where you can interact with me on a personal level.You can ask me any questions, share your charts live, and even share your screen if you want to.
I have previously charged as much as $1,000 per month just to be part of a private group like this.
With the ND10X system, you get this for free.
Also Get ND10X – 10X Your Money In 10 Days by Nicola Delic on Traderknow.com
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Available at traderknow.com
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 88
- Assessments Yes